Farrer Huxley

Xanthe Palacio | Finance Manager

Xanthe brings a wealth of expertise to her role as Finance Manager at Farrer Huxley. She has a personable approach, liaising seamlessly with clients, suppliers and the team.

Portrait by Clare Elliott.

Portrait by Clare Elliott.


Xanthe Palacio

Finance Manager

Xanthe brings a wealth of expertise to her role as Finance Manager at Farrer Huxley. 

Her background in office management and HR stood her in good stead when it came to running three successful family businesses. During this time she honed her financial management skills of which Farrer Huxley are now the beneficiary. She has personable approach, liaising seamlessly with clients, suppliers and the team.

Xanthe can be found in the Lake District walking her dog Lola and bringing up her two teenage daughters. She has a love of yoga and horse riding.