Rebuilding Places for People | Regeneration projects must involve the communities. We engage with local people to better understand a place’s cultural identity and translate this into the scheme.

Market Day at Deptford Market Yard.
Rebuilding Places for People.
We believe in improving existing places rather than building new ones further away from services and amenity.
It is people who will define the success and sustainability of regeneration: to rebuild places we must involve the communities who will use them.
Listening to local people reveals a site’s unique social character. Their participation in the design process allows us to better understand a place’s cultural identity and translate this into the scheme.
TYPE Regeneration, Community Engagement, Health & Wellbeing
CLIENT Barrow Borough Council
SCALE 1.1 ha (11,000 sqm)
Landscape surrounding 492 existing homes
TYPE Regeneration, Public Realm & Commercial, Community Engagement, Masterplanning & Urban Design
SCALE 0.37 ha (3,700 sqm)
Public realm fronting rail station, commercial units and 132 new homes
TYPERegeneration, Housing, Play, Masterplanning & Urban Design, Public Realm
CLIENTChalegrove Properties Limited
SCALE1.32 ha (13,200 sqm)
173 new homes (142 rented / 31 shared ownership)
TYPE Regeneration, Housing, Community Engagement, Health & Wellbeing, Landscape Management, Masterplanning & Urban Design, Public Realm
CLIENT Taylor Wimpey, London Borough of Wandsworth
SCALE10.52 ha (105,200 sqm)
A new neighbourhood for London comprising circa 2500 homes
TYPE Regeneration, Community Engagement, Masterplanning & Urban Design, Public Realm & Commercial
CLIENT Bourne Capital/ Emma Cons Gardens Steering Group
SCALE 0.15 ha (1,490 sqm)
Public realm in the heart of Waterloo
TYPE Housing, Play, Community Engagement, Landscape Management
CLIENT Peabody
SCALE 1.2 ha (12,000 sqm)
Playable landscape serving 413 new homes
TYPERegeneration, Housing, Community Engagement, Play, Health & Wellbeing, Masterplanning & Urban Design, Public Realm
CLIENTNewlon Housing Trust
SCALE5.4 ha (54,000 sqm)
Community and landscape-led residential masterplan which will see Old Barnsbury’s 1930s blocks fully refurbished and New Barnsbury’s post-war blocks fully redeveloped to provide new homes
TYPE Housing, Regeneration, Community Engagement, Masterplanning & Urban Design
CLIENT Peabody
SCALE 2.28 ha (22,800 sqm)
353 existing homes to be replaced with 538 new homes
TYPE Commercial, Regeneration, Landscape Management
CLIENT Great Portland Estates PLC
SCALE 0.04 ha (400 sqm)
Rooftop terraces over three floors of new office building in London’s Soho
TYPE Regeneration, Community Engagement
CLIENTLondon Festival of Architecture, Wandsworth Council
SCALE0.053 ha (530 sqm)
Proposal for refurbishment of railway bridge underpass
TYPE Regeneration
CLIENT Guildmore, Hackney Council
SCALE0.35 ha (3,500 sqm)
Landscape improvements to streetscape and residential courtyard