The flexibility of Deptford Market Yard invites a wide range of activity.
public realm:
places to be & work.
Distinctive landscapes transform underused places into destinations, contributing to their desirability, economic success and benefit to people.
Public realm is a platform for the social and commercial success of our towns and cities. We create public space that encourages occupancy, ownership and activity from both the local community and visitors. Our rigorous approach to materials, detailing and planting creates spaces that are inviting and distinctive. Our landscapes are flexible and robust and therefore able to evolve alongside the ever-changing needs of the community and users.
In the commercial context landscape contributes to the wellbeing of staff and clients, giving people space to break from work, connect with others or simply take a moment to enjoy nature. Landscape also makes a positive impact on brand perception by allowing business frontages to reach into the street, enhancing presence and communicating a sense of care.